e78 Shop 常见问题 Q&A
1. 通常出货时间是多久? What is the usual shipping time?
我们的出货时间通常为 1-3 个工作天。
Our usual shipping time is 1-3 working days.
Our usual shipping time is 1-3 working days.
2. 订购球拍穿线需要多久? How long does it take to string a racket after ordering?
订购球拍穿线服务需 3-6 天。
Stringing service for rackets requires 3-6 days.
Stringing service for rackets requires 3-6 days.
3. 接受国际付运吗? Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we offer worldwide shipping.
Yes, we offer worldwide shipping.
4. 香港本地有免运优惠吗? Is there free shipping locally in Hong Kong?
购物满 HK$500 可享香港本地免运费,不包括中国国内、澳门及台湾。
Free shipping is available within Hong Kong for orders over HK$500, excluding Mainland China, Macau, and Taiwan.
Free shipping is available within Hong Kong for orders over HK$500, excluding Mainland China, Macau, and Taiwan.
5. 购买球拍有包括球线和穿线服务吗? Does buying a racket include strings or stringing service?
Purchasing a racket only includes the racket itself, without strings or stringing service.
Purchasing a racket only includes the racket itself, without strings or stringing service.
6. 球拍穿线的球线颜色可以选择吗? Can I choose the color of the strings for racket stringing service?
The string color for stringing service is random. If you have a color preference, please specify in the shopping cart's notes section. We will prioritize it if available, but this is not guaranteed; otherwise, a random color will be chosen without further notification.
The string color for stringing service is random. If you have a color preference, please specify in the shopping cart's notes section. We will prioritize it if available, but this is not guaranteed; otherwise, a random color will be chosen without further notification.
7. 可以到访新蒲岗的公司地址吗? Can I visit your office in San Po Kong?
Yes, you are welcome to visit our office in San Po Kong to view or try products. Please make an appointment in advance.
Yes, you are welcome to visit our office in San Po Kong to view or try products. Please make an appointment in advance.
8. 预订产品需要多久时间? How long does it take for pre-ordered products?
一般预订产品需 1-4 周,但非保证时间,具体依产品货源、供应商等情况调整,下单前建议先查询。
Pre-ordered products typically take 1-4 weeks, but this is not guaranteed as it depends on stock and supplier availability. Please check with us before placing an order.
Pre-ordered products typically take 1-4 weeks, but this is not guaranteed as it depends on stock and supplier availability. Please check with us before placing an order.
9. 服装和鞋子的尺寸标准是在哪个地区? Are Apparel and Shoes sized standard for which region?
ALL Apparel and Shoes sizes are ASIA SIZE and CM SIZE, except Asics Shoes which use US Size.
ALL Apparel and Shoes sizes are ASIA SIZE and CM SIZE, except Asics Shoes which use US Size.
10. 不同版本(如JP、TW、SP、CH版本)有什么区别? What is the difference between different versions, like JP, TW, SP, and CH versions?
不同版本仅代表不同的销售地区,而非生产地。例如,JP 版本代表在日本销售,而非在日本制造;CH 版本代表在中国销售,而非在中国制造。通常不同的销售地区其原产地和质量相同。如有疑问,欢迎联系我们。
Different versions just indicate different sales areas, not production places. For example, JP version means sales in Japan, not made in Japan, and CH version means sales in China, not made in China. Normally, different sales areas have the same origin and quality. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Different versions just indicate different sales areas, not production places. For example, JP version means sales in Japan, not made in Japan, and CH version means sales in China, not made in China. Normally, different sales areas have the same origin and quality. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
11. 接受哪些付款方式? What payment methods do you accept?
我们接受国际付款,包括 Visa、MasterCard、American Express,只要它们是与上述主要信用卡公司之一联系的。我们的安全伺服器会加密所有提交的资讯,您可以放心输入信用卡号码。在某些地区,我们还提供第三方付款或账单提供者选项(如 Alipay、WeChat Pay、PayPal、Western Union、Transferwise)。本地我们亦收八达